


         Mtskheta - municipality and city in Georgia, Mtskheta is the administrative center. Historical monuments in the UNESCO World Heritage List. The population of 7.7 thousand (2002.). There is a railway station, food and light industry enterprises, the upper fluid power plant. Cultural (high schools, theaters, museums) and architectural monuments.
Located at the confluence of the Mtkvari and Aragvi, Mtkvari and Aragvi on the right bank. The railway station in Tbilisi-Samtredia online. 480 m above sea level, 21 km from Tbilisi (railway).

Mtskheta in moderately humid subtropical climate (average annual temperature of 10,8 ° C; January - 1,1 ° C, July - 22,1 ° C). Winters are cold (absolute minimum - 29 ° C) and hot summers (absolute maximum 39 ° C). 590 mm precipitation per year.

Mtskheta also has a long history of interest in the case and will write her story in a comment!......

                                                                       City Mtskheta