

Tsilkani (Mtskheta Municipality)

Village - Mtskheta municipality, community center (village Ereda.) Located Mukhranis plains, river Narekvavi left side. Mtskheta to 10 km. The village has a public school.
The village is inhabited by the Late Bronze Age. 1.5 km east of the village have been discovered early Christian period (IV-V centuries) archaeological site - an underground vault. He is expected to rest for a successful church figures. Tomb excavated in 1979. The eight men were lying wrapped in a shroud. The dead were buried in the Christian way - gulaghma motionless, head west. The excavation of the tomb was looted. Tomb revealed a half-circle to the west of the temple absidiani balance, while in the north part of the cobble stone enclosure.
Tsilkani stands Tsilkni temple, which represented saepisokoso See. The temple was built at the end of IV century - V century and the first half of the church hall. He converted to the new V-VI centuries, the nave of the Basilica of the composition. Both the new structure of the feudal era, domed temple within the government.
The temple in the central-domed building. Itself is built of hewn sandstone bricks. The dome on four free-standing columns. It occurs through the sail. 12 windows in the dome.
The interior facades and ornamentation are different too, because each alteration and restoration of the temple at the time suitable for Citizens were decorating ornaments. Today the temple is preserved as early as the late feudal period and ornaments decorated parts and fragments.
The painting has remained only on the dome. He XVI-XVIII centuries. Done in pale purple, red, yellow and blue colors. Images of small size, drawing - rough.
The temple is surrounded by a fence, which was built in the XVIII century. This was outside the walls, to the north and west there are the remains of an old fence. Embrasures just east and south walls are preserved. In every corner of the wall of the tower stands a circular plan. XIX century bell tower was built at the entrance to the south-east tower.